Start your ​healing ​journey here

What is Psilocybin


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Your journey begins with a consultation where will discuss the arc ​of this process, your intentions, your current medications, history ​with psychedelics and any relevant past experiences. This is to see if ​you are a good match for this work and to see if we are a good ​match for each other.


If it feels right to continue along this path together, we will begin preparation ​sessions. These are 2 or 3 one hour to 90 minute-long sessions where we will get ​to know each other better, crystalize your intentions and orient your mind & ​body towards the the journey itself, in order to create a safe environment for you ​to explore the depths of your mind.

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After this comes the administration session (the trip) where ​you will ingest the mushrooms! This day will last between 6-8 ​hours, we will begin in the morning and I will be there with you, ​guiding you, holding space and keeping you safe throughout.


This last piece is integration. In these hour-long sessions I will assist you in ​reverberating, translating and assimilating the excavated parts of yourself. ​ Together we will find ways to make maintainable adjustments to keep the ​most valuable parts of your journey alive.

I find it fruitful here to incorporate art and somatic practices to communicate ​those parts of your journey that are ineffable.

Authentic change takes devotion and consistency, and I am here to support ​you in your process of transformation.

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A future ​unconditioned by ​past patterns

How could Psilocybin help you?

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Return to your body

From a young age we have been told to ignore the longings and desires of our ​bodies. What if we could tap into a heightened sense of presence and ​sensual-awareness by decentralizing our minds & centering our bodies ​instead?

Metabolize past ​traumas

Significant rupture needs repair, but so often these ruptures go unrepaired, and we ​carry them within us like open wounds that keep us living in a state of vigilance ​and hyperarousal. By reencountering these traumas in a consensual and ​intentional setting, we can begin to heal these wounds so that, much like an old ​scar, we no longer encounter them with pain.

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Release habits that no longer serve ​you

Let’s get unstuck. Shift our focus to the activities and relationships that align with ​our values, rather than those that become an obstacle to our satisfaction and ​wellbeing.

Reconnect to pleasure

Pleasure is often dismissed as superfluous when in fact to live to our fullest, most ecstatic capacity is to exist in deep relationship with pleasure. How do we ignite pleasure in the mundane, pleasure amidst pain? Love what you love and explore why you love it!

Who am I?

Hi, I’m James (she/her)

I am a Oregon State-Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator, ​Certified Herbalist, trained Somatic Intimacy, Sex & ​Pleasure Guide, Sound Healer and Co-Creator of Sex & ​Psychedelics Magazine.

I have been guiding plant medicine journeys for over a ​decade now, obtaining my official license from Innertrek in ​March 2023.

I specialize in working with couples, non-traditional ​relationship styles, neurodivergent folk, men, those wanting ​to ignite more pleasure in their lives or explore their ​shadows, sex-workers and those with depression, anxiety, ​addiction and sexual trauma.

I feel very fortunate to find myself at a beautiful juncture in ​my life where all my passions have merged into one ​symbiotic whole - psychedelics, art & the erotic - each ​feeding into each other in a circular dance of ​decomposition, transformation, regeneration & growth.

I believe that the most authentic guidance comes ​from within & it is my aspiration to serve as a ​guide, companion and observer on your personal ​journey of self-discovery and renewal.

Why work with me?

Consent & Trauma-Trained

We will create a safety plan ahead of the ​administration session which will outline what can ​and can’t happen during the psilocybin session - in ​harmony with your comfort levels - and ​individualized protocols should trauma arise.

1:1 or 1:2+ Facilitation

As well as dynamic group ceremonies ​(posted here), I also offer facilitation ​for couples/thruples/friends wishing ​to deepen their relationship, reignite ​desire, intensify intimacy or heal ​collectively.

Personalized Journeys

My approach to facilitation is informed entirely ​by you. Together we will align the required ​model of Preparation, Administration and ​Integration with your pace, your intentions, ​your boundaries, and the intricacies of your ​needs, to cultivate fertile ground for ​meaningful change.

Conscious Curation

I put extreme thought and detail into ​every piece of your journey, from ​curated playlists, live sound baths, ​guided meditations, sensation ​amplifiers (candles, incense, interactive ​alters) to art or somatic-focused ​integration sessions, in order to ​deepen and commemorate the experi​enc​e.

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Is Psilocybin right for me?

Take this QUIZ & find out!

Psilocybin has been studied in the treatment of PTSD, Treatment-Resistant Depression, Smoking Cessation, Depression, Anxiety and Addiction.

Anecdotally though I’ve heard, and personally witnessed, extraordinary transformations & improvements in quality of many areas of life.

What does it feel like to trip ​on Psilocybin?

You can expect changes in your consciousness, mood, perception ​and sensory experience. The mind can become more open, senses ​are heightened and reactions to external stimuli can be intensified, ​which is why it is deeply important to find a facilitator you can trust ​to build an appropriate container (“set & setting”) so you feel safe ​and supported throughout your trip.

Is Psilocybin safe?

The short answer is yes! There is no known lethal dose of “magic ​mushrooms”, but it is still possible to encounter feelings of ​discomfort and negativity associated with a “bad trip”, moments ​which can be safely navigated alongside a skilled & vetted ​facilitator.

What if I have a “bad trip” ?

While I prefer the word “challenging”, “bad trips” are real and are ​often a result of repressed memories and emotions bubbling up ​to the surface during a psychedelic ceremony (administration ​session). Fortunately there are many ways to mitigate these ​uncomfortable states of mind, and in your preparation sessions ​we will discuss and create together a harm reduction plan to ​follow should these difficult moments arrive, and turn this ​“challenging trip” into a cathartic experience.

Do you accept insurance?

Unfortunately not, but we’re working on it!

Psilocybin services are accessible to anyone aged 21 or older who has ​a healthy heart and is not currently taking any of the contraindicated ​medications (MAOIs & Lithium) or diagnosed with any ​contraindicated conditions (Bipolar, BPD, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy or ​Aneurysm), without a doctor’s referral, and regardless of your ​insurance status.

You are also invited to see a therapist in your network for integration, ​which can help drive down costs, and I am more than happy to ​recommend some practitioners who specialize in integrative ​ psychedelic therapy.

Where do the journey’s take place?

I work in Portland, Oregon at two different Legal Psilocybin Service ​Centers: Chariot & Circle. Both are beautiful, light-filled, homey​ spaces with many room options & friendly staff.

(Click each name to check out their websites)!

If you are local to Portland or visiting for an extended amount of ​time you have the option to do your preparation &/or integration ​sessions in person, but they can always happen remotely via Zoom.

How much do you charge?

I charge a sliding scale of $130-$200 an hour per person. The ​required hours for psilocybin services usually adds up to $1500-​2000 for 2 x preparation sessions, 1 Administration and 2 x ​integration sessions + service center fees $400-$1000 (depending ​on room & center) + the cost of the mushrooms (up to $450 ​depending on center & dose).

This price also includes curated playlists, unlimited ​correspondence & support via email, optional sound healing, ​guided body scans, intention coaching and much more.

I know this can be costly which is why I offer significant reduced ​fees to those who identify as BIPOC & low-income individuals, and ​am always willing to work with peoples’ budgets.

This is made extra possible by those who pay the higher-tier ​sliding scale and the option to Pay It Forward* .

I take payments preferably via Cash, Venmo, Cashapp or Zelle but I ​also offer PayPal which will incur additional CC fees per transaction ​at the cost of the client.

Do you offer financial assistance?

You can apply for financial assistance for psilocybin journeys ​through the Sheri Eckert Psilocybin Access Fund:

What’s your cancellation policy?

Refunds minus any credit card fees and hourly-rate sessions ​already provided will be issued if cancelled two weeks prior to ​administration/journey day, 50% a week before & no refunds past 7 ​days prior.

Service Centers have their own cancellation policies.

Let’s respect each other’s time.

*The option to Pay It Forward provides reduced-fee scholarships for those financially in need. If you have the means or are an ​advocate of helping others heal, please consider donating. These funds are solely used to sponsor Psilocybin Services for those ​who qualify for sliding-scale, full or partial scholarships.

Other ways to work together​

Sound Healing


Join me for a Group ​Ceremony, Retreat or​ Psychedelic Event

Upcoming Events & Group Ceremonies

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James Belle Guest

Portland, Oregon